Store Closed - Next Opening Sunday 16th February 2025 at 1400HRS [UK] - Please sign up to our newsletter for updates


  • Store Opening - Sunday 19th May

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the PRS-55 SMITHS CARIBBEAN There be availability of other models including the Air Ministry,...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 21st April 2024

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the PRS-29AM Smiths Air Ministry There be very limited availability of other models including...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 7th April

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the PRS-29A Smiths Military.There be very limited availability of other models including the ...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 3rd March

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the Everest Expedition, Everest White Dial & a very small amount of the Smiths Everest Ho...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 4th February 2024

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the Smiths Everest Honeycomb.Due to the expected popularity of the Everest there will be very...
  • Charity fundraiser passes £25k

    The current Timefactors Forum (TZ-UK) fundraiser has recently passed the £25k mark. This adds to two previous campaigns on the now defunked Virgin ...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 21st January

    This Sunday sees a belated first opening of our store for 2024.As many of you will know Eddie was in hospital over Christmas and the New Year which...
  • Delayed Store Opening - 21st January 2024

    Happy New Year. Unfortunately we have had to postpone the first opening of the year scheduled for the 7th of January. Eddie is currently in hospita...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 26th November 2023

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the Smiths Everest PRS-25 Gilt Dial Due to the expected popularity of the Everest there will ...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 12th November

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the Smiths Everest PRS-25 Black Dial.Due to the expected popularity of the Everest there will...
  • UK Clock Change - 29/10/23

    The clocks will go back in the UK one hour at 2am on Sunday 29th October. The store will be opening at 2pm local UK time. If you are planning to vi...
  • Store Opening - Sunday 29th October

    This weekend's store opening sees the availability of the Smiths Everest PRS-25 Black Dial.Due to the expected popularity of the Everest there will...