Store Closed - Next opening Sunday 4th August at 1400HRS [UK] - Please sign up to our newsletter for updates

Time Factors Store Update and Opening

Welcome to 2021 and the new look Time Factors.

The Smiths Everest 36mm black dial was due to be delivered on 21/22 January but unfortuantely this has now been delayed until mid-February.   There is still limited stock of the white Dial Smiths Navigator PRS-48.

The Smiths Caribbean 1000 has just moved to production and should be ready for a June release, details can be found here;

I have stock of all the recently launched "Baby" range also.

36mm Baby Speedbird -

38mm Baby Dreadnought -


40mm Baby Willard -

Ordering will open at 1400 hrs UK time on Sunday 24th January 2021 and will remain open until 300 orders are received and will then be closed;  this could be just a few minutes.   300 is the number of orders which can be shipped before the authority to take card payment expires.  

You can keep up to date with the progress on all these and other projects by visiting the forum at

